What are Tau Topics?
A bit of this...
a bit of that... tidbits of useful information... anything and
everything that has caught our interest over the years.
You'll find articles on topics ranging from safe non-toxic
disinfection techniques using vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, to the statistics methodology
that helps us determine the accuracy of modern medical tests--and even a way, using
rabbits and raisins, that helps explain how
rare an event really is if it occurs only one in a hundred times.
We also have a resource paper for the chemically injured on the difficulties of finding
building materials, a case study on curing toenail fungus, and a detailed resouce on the
risks of synthetic pesticides used in fly control for horses that also includes an up-to-date
listing of less-toxic methods of fly control.
We even have several resources for organic gardeners, including our "Bona Fide
Organics" compilation of all the mail-order sources we've been able to find that carry organic
plants and organic seeds.
This site grew out of a request almost a decade ago to make a handful of
Judy's printed articles available on the web. Since then it's grown steadily, attracting
millions of visitors from over 140 different countries.